
Sunday, 24 May 2015

Visual Dare - Burden

Another compelling photo for Visual Dare this week, which had to be written for. Such a powerful picture needs a powerful story.  


It was heavy, but Martin bore the load. He’d been carrying it for many years; it was a part of him. He knew that his back wasn’t as strong as it once was and he walked with a stoop, but it was the price he paid for not being there when he should have been, to protect his only son.

It didn’t matter how many people told him he wasn’t to blame, he knew deep down he was. He shouldn’t have walked away. He shouldn’t have allowed another man to come in and take over his role as a father. He shouldn’t have let his ego and pride get in the way of his sense of duty. He foolishly believed his son was better off without him. And now his son was alone in a place he couldn’t reach - not yet anyway, not until he’d learnt his lesson. 

Words 149

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