J. Whitworth Hazzard has set up a Kickstart project in order to publish the final episode and paperback compendium of the 5-star rated "Dead Sea Games" saga. I have read this saga and it is one of the fastest moving, on-the-edge-of-your-seat reads I have had in a long time. I can't wait for the fourth episode to come out - and I can't wait to get all four of them in print! You can buy the first three episodes of the saga on amazon.
The Flash Fiction contest is also to promote my newly published Personal Writing Critique website, which I have set up to offer a critiquing service. One of the prizes for the winner is a 20-page writing critique from myself.
The prompt for the contest is a setting:
The people are gone but the zombies remain. Somewhere in this concrete and steel jungle are a thousand stories of bravery, heartbreak, love, and adventure. What will yours be?
Your flash fiction piece MUST…
…be 500 words or less.
…be posted to your blog before July 27th at midnight, EST.
... (if you don't have a blog, we can post it for you)
... (if you don't have a blog, we can post it for you)
…conform to reasonable standards of adult society (read between the lines, folks)
…include the promotional links highlighted below
…be set in New York City after the zombie apocalypse.
setting is similar to the setting of Dead Sea Games, but don’t let that
hem in your creative spirit. We want to read all of the great stories
that I know can come from this great big melting pot of humanity—totally
gone to hell-in-a-hand-basket. Your piece can be any genre, any
universe, any characters (even mine!), any set of rules you like. Just
be entertaining and make us feel.
For details of the prizes, and to add your entry, go and visit J. Whitworth Hazzards website.
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